Société française d'égyptologie

FRdrapeau francais ENdrapeau anglais

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//echo "toto";

//print 'GET VARS';print "
//print $_GET['numero'];
$button = $_GET['button'] ;
$numero = $_GET['numero'] ;
$_SESSION['numero'] = $numero;
$pw = $_GET['pw'] ;

$pw = mb_strtoupper($pw);
//$pw = mb_strtolower($pw,'UTF-8');

$pw = strtr($pw, 'éèëêöàüï', 'ÉÈËÊÖÀÜÏ');

$serveur = "";
$base = "db417848498";
$user = "dbo417848498";
$pass = "Wxc&123xc";

$bdd = mysqli_connect($serveur, $user, $pass, $base);

mysqli_set_charset($bdd, "utf8");;

$res= mysqli_query($bdd, "SELECT * FROM sfe_adherent WHERE numad LIKE '$numero'");

$record1= mysqli_fetch_assoc($res);
$numed= $record1[numad];
$nomed= $record1[nomad]; $nom =$nomed; $_SESSION['nom'] = $nom;
$typeed= $record1[typead];
$echeed= $record1[comitead];
$prenomed= $record1[prenomad];
$titreed= $record1[titread];
$radieed= $record1[radiead];
$email= $record1[emailad]; $_SESSION['email'] = $email;
print "separateur";print "
print "numed";print "
print $numed;print "
print "nomed";print "
print $nomed;print "

print "prenomed";print "
print $prenomed;print "
print "titreed";print "
print $titreed;print "

print "typeed";print "
print $typeed;print "
print "echeed";print "
print $echeed;print "
print "radieed";print "
print $radieed;print "
list($tipi) = explode("-", $nomed);
$nomed = $tipi;
list($tipi) = explode(" (", $nomed);
$nomed = $tipi;
print "nomed aptres tipi";print "
print $nomed;print "
$_SESSION['numaff'] = $numed;
$_SESSION['nomaff'] = $nomed;
$_SESSION['prenomaff'] = $prenomed;
$_SESSION['titreaff'] = $titreed;

$_SESSION['typeaff'] = $typeed;

/*print "separateur";print "
print "numaff";print "
print $numaff;print "
print "nomaff";print "
print $nomaff;print "

print "prenomaff";print "
print $prenomaff;print "
print "titreaff";print "
print $titreaff;print "

print "typeaff";print "
print $typeaff;print "
if ($numed == null ) { $er = "erreur de saisie"; $_SESSION['er'] = $er ;include "z1.php" ; exit; } else { } // $_SESSION['membre']= $membre; $_SESSION['controle']= $controle; $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $date = date("d-m-Y"); $heure = date("H:i"); $libelle="acces adherent"; nom: $nomed; numero : $numed; // Parametres mysql à remplacer par les vôtres /* $server = ""; $base = "db417848498"; $user = "dbo417848498"; $pass = "Wxc&123xc";*/ // archeonil $server = ""; $base = "dbs874344"; $user = "dbu639644"; $pass = "Wxc&123xc"; // Create connection $servername = $server; $username = $user ; $password = $pass ; $dbname = $base ; // Create connection $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); // Check connection if ($conn->connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } // $sql = "INSERT INTO aadherent (date,heure,libelle,ip,nom,numero ) VALUES ('$date','$heure','$libelle','$ip','$nom','$numero')"; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { echo ""; } else { echo "Error: " . $sql . " " . $conn->error; } mysqli_close($conn); // /*if ($typeed == 'organisme bienfaiteur' and $nomed == $pw and $radieed == "A" and $numed == $numero ) { if ($echeed == '2018' or $echeed == '2019' or $echeed == '2020' or $echeed == '2021') { include "k1.php"; } else {include "z1bis.php" ; exit;} }*/ // // type titulaire if ($typeed == 'titulaire' and $nomed == $pw and $radieed == "A" and $numed == $numero) { if ( $echeed == '2018' or $echeed == '2019' or $echeed == '2020' or $echeed == '2021') {include "k2.php";} ?>

{include "z1bis.php" ;

// type etudiant
if ($typeed == 'etudiant' and $nomed == $pw and $radieed == "A" and $numed == $numero )
if ( $echeed == '2018' or $echeed == '2019' or $echeed == '2020' or $echeed == '2021')
{include "k3.php"; exit;}

{include "z1bis.php" ; exit;}
// type organisme titulaire

if ($typeed == 'organisme titulaire' and $nomed == $pw and $radieed == "A" and $numed == $numero )
if ( $echeed == '2018' or $echeed == '2019' or $echeed == '2020' or $echeed == '2021')
include "k4.php";

{include "z1bis.php" ; exit;}
// type association titulaire
if ($typeed == 'association titulaire' and $nomed == $pw and $radieed == "A" and $numed == $numero )
if ( $echeed == '2018' or $echeed == '2019' or $echeed == '2020' or $echeed == '2021')
include "k4.php";

{include "z1bis.php" ; exit;}

// type association bienfaitrice
if ($typeed == 'association bienfaitrice' and $nomed == $pw and $radieed == "A" and $numed == $numero )
if ( $echeed == '2018' or $echeed == '2019' or $echeed == '2020' or $echeed == '2021')
include "k5.php";

{include "z1bis.php" ; exit;}
// type association donatrice
if ($typeed == 'association donatrice' and $nomed == $pw and $radieed == "A" and $numed == $numero )
if ( $echeed == '2018' or $echeed == '2019' or $echeed == '2020' or $echeed == '2021')
include "k5.php";

{include "z1bis.php" ; exit;}

// recherche emploi
if ($typeed == 'Demandeur emploi (titulaire)' and $nomed == $pw and $radieed == "A" and $numed == $numero )
if ( $echeed == '2018' or $echeed == '2019' or $echeed == '2020' or $echeed == '2021')
include "k3.php";

{include "z1bis.php" ; exit;}

// type bienfaiteur
if ($typeed == 'bienfaiteur' and $nomed == $pw and $radieed == "A" and $numed == $numero )
if ( $echeed == '2018' or $echeed == '2019' or $echeed == '2020' or $echeed == '2021' )
{include "k5.php"; exit;}

{include "z1bis.php" ; exit;}

// type donateur
if ($typeed == 'donateur' and $nomed == $pw and $radieed == "A" and $numed == $numero )
if ($echeed == '2018' or $echeed == '2019' or $echeed == '2020' or $echeed == '2021')
{include "k6.php"; }

{include "z1bis.php" ; exit;}

// type sf
/*if ($typeed == 'sf' and $nomed == $pw)
if ($echeed == '2016' or $echeed == '2015' or $echeed == '2017' )
{include "k7.php"; }

{include "z1bis.php" ; exit;}
} <br /> //<br />*/<br /><br />// include "z1.php";<br />exit;<br /><br /><br /><br />?>

Société française d'égyptologie

La Société française d'égyptologie est une association de type loi 1901 


Société française d'égyptologie

Collège de France

11 Place Marcelin Berthelot

75231 Paris Cedex 05